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Tuesday, 21st May 2013

Proponents Sought For Moorebank Intermodal Terminal

The Moorebank Intermodal Terminal is today being taken to the market with the Federal Labor Government calling for private companies to register their interest in developing and operating the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal.
The call for Registrations of Interest from local and international companies and consortia represents a major milestone in the delivery of this nationally significant infrastructure project.
The Moorebank Intermodal Terminal will bring the public and private sectors together to generate around $10 billion in economic benefits through reduced freight costs, reduced traffic congestion and better environmental outcomes.
“The Terminal is due to commence operations in late 2017 and will be Sydney's major rail freight solution for decades to come,” Mr Albanese said.
“Once up and running, it's forecast that the Terminal could remove 1.2 million trucks each year from Sydney's roads—that's equivalent to 3,300 trucks per day.”
“This project is essential to delivering greater freight efficiency and competitiveness for Australian businesses and is looking to make improvements along the length of the supply chain.”
The Registration of Interest process is being undertaken by Moorebank Intermodal Company which was established in December 2012 to take the project to market.
Since its establishment, the Moorebank Intermodal Company has engaged widely with industry. Briefings have already been provided to more than 60 Australian and international companies including large rail freight operators, intermodal users, financiers and construction companies.
“There is strong interest across the board in project participation as well as from industry players keen to use the Terminal. This reflects the commercial benefits of this venture,” Senator Wong said.
“The Moorebank Intermodal Terminal is an example of government working with the private sector to bring about an infrastructure project in the best interest of the state and the country.”
Private sector companies and consortia with world-class expertise in the planning and management of major freight and logistics facilities including intermodals and warehousing are invited to register their interest.
“This process will assist the Company to identify a global field of interested participants,” Senator Wong said.
The proposed intermodal terminal will include a port shuttle terminal capable of handling up to 1.2 million containers annually, an interstate terminal served by the Australian Rail Track Corporation network with capacity for a further 500,000 containers annually, and complementary warehousing.
The next stage in the procurement process will commence with a request for Expressions of Interest in August 2013.
Organisations that wish to respond should email requesting a copy of the Registration of Interest documentation.
Registrations of Interest close on 12 June 2013.
Further information on the Moorebank Intermodal Facility is available

Moorebank Intermodal Facility


  • The Government announced its decision to progress the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Project in April 2012, selecting a 220 ha site at Moorebank in south-west Sydney currently occupied by the Department of Defence. The project is a response to the growing container freight task at Port Botany.

  • The Moorebank Intermodal Terminal is proposed to begin operations in late 2017 and will be built and operated by the private sector following a competitive tender process. Linked to Port Botany by an existing direct freight rail line, it will include an import-export freight terminal, an interstate freight terminal and complementary warehousing.

  • In December 2012, the Government announced the establishment of the Moorebank Intermodal Company and the appointment of the Chair and Directors to the Board to facilitate private development of the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal. The Government selected a board with a strong balance of skills and expertise in the fields of infrastructure and finance.

  • The Business Council of Australia has publicly supported the Government's model to delivering this vital infrastructure, saying: “It is the most cost effective and practical strategy and should produce a better outcome for the Federal taxpayer and for NSW”.


  • $10 billion in economic benefits including improved productivity, reduced business costs, reduced road congestion and better environmental outcomes.

  • 1.2 million truck movements to be taken off Sydney's roads annually (equivalent to 3,300 trips per day).

  • An estimated 1,650 jobs to be created during construction of the port shuttle, 975 jobs created during construction of the interstate terminal and 1,700 jobs created for operations and warehousing at the intermodal terminal.

  • A further 2,000 jobs created during construction of the Moorebank Unit Relocation (MUR) project which will see Defence units relocated to nearby Holsworthy Barracks which is being upgraded.

What's next

  • Further market interactions following the close of the Registration of Interest.

  • August 2013—Formal procurement process commences with a request for Expressions of Interest.

  • November 2013—Request for Tender process commences.

  • Mid-2014—Selection of Preferred Tenderer.

  • Mid 2015—Defence vacates the project site and construction of the intermodal terminal begins.

  • Late 2017—Intermodal terminal operations commence.

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