Companies interested in completing the detailed survey and geotechnical investigations on the upgrade of the Pacific Highway between Glenugie to Ballina have until 12 December to submit their best bid under the tender process being managed by the NSW Government.
Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese said the latest tender process follows the completion of similar preparatory work on the Woolgoolga to Glenugie section.
“The pre-construction activities which will begin soon and eventually lead to the re-routing of a large stretch of the Highway to the east of Grafton are all part of the ongoing upgrade and full duplication of the Pacific Highway,” said Mr Albanese.
“This nation building endeavour is in fact Australia’s most expensive and complex road project ever.
“The substantial work that’s already been completed is making a difference. Indeed, compared to the mid-90s the average journey between Newcastle and the Queensland border is now 90 minutes quicker. Annual fatalities have fallen from the high 40s to 24 last year.”
As well as realigning and duplicating the Highway, the full Woolgoolga to Ballina upgrade will also build ten major interchanges, erect new bridges over the Clarence and Richmond rivers, and install wildlife crossings.
NSW Roads and Ports Minister Duncan Gay said the successful tenderer will be required to survey and terrain model a route some 130 kilometre in length, starting where the Glenugie upgrade finished off earlier this year.
“An environmental impact statement is already being prepared and will go on display next month for public feedback,” said Mr Gay.
“Once completed, the upgrade will also reduce the likelihood of the Highway being inundated to a 1-in-20 year weather event for sections which cross major floodplains, and to a 1-in-100 year event in the case of the remaining sections.”
All tenders must comply with the NSW Government Code of Practice for Procurement. A general information document about e-Tendering is available on the RMS website:
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