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Monday, 2nd May 2022

Labor to Widen Eligibility for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

with Linda Burney MP & Mark Butler MP

Labor will widen eligibility for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, in line with the Government’s announcement today.
We’re not interested in playing politics when we see a good idea.
Unlike the Morrison Government, we can be trusted to deliver on our announcements for older Australians and pensioners.
The Liberals have a habit of making promises to pensioners at election time but cutting support at budget time. 
Over the course of their decade in power, this Government tried to lift the pension age to 70 years, and when Scott Morrison was in charge as Minister, he took 90,000 seniors off the Pensioner Concession Card.
When Labor was last in government, we delivered the biggest lift to the pension in history.
We know how important it is for healthcare to be accessible to all Australians. That’s why we will strengthen Medicare, and make it easier for Australians to see a doctor.
That’s in contrast to Scott Morrison, who has chosen a new Health Minister who thinks Medicare needs to be cut.
Only Labor can be trusted to deliver on this promise, and to protect Medicare for all Australians.

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