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Thursday, 18th November 2021

Labor’s Plan to Boost Education Opportunities for 30,000 Families With No Internet at Home

with Tanya Plibersek MP & Michelle Rowland MP

Up to 30,000 families with no internet at home will be supported with access to free broadband for a year under Labor’s plan for a better NBN.
“During COVID-19 it became clear that students needed high-speed broadband to participate in classes from home,” said Labor Leader, Anthony Albanese, today.
“This experience regrettably revealed some school children did not have access to any home internet, and this compounded an already very difficult school year.”
To enable implementation, NBNCo will provide a wholesale rebate to a designated retail provider to supply the service.
Eligible families would be identified by schools, state education departments and local community organisations, and eligibility validated by NBNCo.
“This will help extend unconnected children the opportunity to benefit from the internet and not be disadvantaged,” said Mr Albanese.
At a time when broadband has become a critical link between students and society, action is needed to ensure no child is left behind.
Ensuring every school child has broadband at home is a complex challenge that cannot be solved overnight.
However, through compassion, targeted incentives and a clear sense of purpose, we can make practical progress to bridge the digital divide.
Labor’s plan for a better NBN will secure more Australian families and businesses quality, high speed internet by expanding full-fibre NBN access to 1.5 million premises.
A Labor Government will ensure, 90 per cent of Australians in the fixed line footprint - over 10 million premises - will have access to world-class gigabit speeds by 2025.
Labor will also keep the NBN in public hands, keeping internet costs for families affordable while ensuring improvements to the network.

Reliable, quality, high speed internet is not a luxury or a nice-to-have.

It is essential 21st century infrastructure.

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