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Wednesday, 31st March 2021

Lighting the Road Ahead

ALP Special Platform Conference Closing Speech

This certainly has been a conference with a difference.
But as a movement born under a tree in outback Queensland and formalised in a Sydney pub, we are uniquely equipped to handle change.
Even in these circumstances, we have upheld the great traditions of Labor conferences.
Yes, we’ve generated a bit of heat – but you’d expect that. We are not a choir looking to sing lockstep in unison. What we look for is the big, powerful harmonies.
And I want to thank everyone who added their voice. Not least aged care worker Jude Clarke. It was an honour to meet you. Your message is one that will resonate with the entire nation.  
Importantly, we’ve generated the light that we need for the road ahead.
Scott Morrison has none of this. No light, no road ahead, and the only voice he truly hears is his own.
When he leaves office Australians will ask: what was the point of this near decade long government?
For Scott Morrison, the fundamental truth that a Prime Minister must govern for all Australians is just one more idea beyond his grasp.
He showed that with his repeated question: “Whose side are you on?” that he continues to demonstrate that he is on his own side.
Our conference has made loud and clear that Labor’s message to Australians is this: We’re on your side.
If you see this pandemic as our chance to build back stronger, Labor is on your side.
If you want secure, well-paid jobs, Labor is on your side.
If you want child care fixed because it would be good for families, good for children and good for the economy, Labor is on your side.
If you want to embrace Australia’s future as a renewable energy superpower, Labor is on your side.
If you want a world-leading plan to build community batteries for households and reduce electricity costs for families, Labor is on your side.
If you know that the road to lower emissions will be travelled by cheaper electric vehicles, Labor is on your side.
If you want Australians trained for the jobs of the future, Labor is on your side.
If you believe aspiration means wanting your children to have a better life than you had, Labor is on your side.
If you want the security of a universal superannuation system, Labor is on your side.
If you want the gender pay gap exposed and closed, Labor is on your side.
If you want a Future Made in Australia, a country where we still make things and stand on our own feet, Labor is on your side.
If you believe that older Australians deserve dignity and our respect, Labor is on your side.
If you believe integrity and equality should be core values of government, Labor is on your side.
If you want a government that is serious about the challenges and the opportunities of climate change, Labor is on your side.
If you think a government should have something to show for its time in power — whether it’s the Snowy Mountains scheme; Medicare; universal superannuation; economic reform; a National Broadband Network; paid parental leave; the NDIS — Labor is on your side.

If you want an Australia where no-one is held back and no-one is left behind, Labor is on your side.

We're on the side of Australians.
And that is who we are fighting for.
It is a fight we must have – for Australia’s sake.

So it falls to all of us.
Our parliamentary members.
Our rank and file.
The members of the mighty union movement.
Our generous volunteers.
We can do it, and we will do it – together, we will give Australia the government it needs and deserves, an Australian Labor Party government.

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