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Sunday, 2nd June 2019

Albanese Unveils Strong Labor Team

I have today appointed a Labor frontbench with the talent and experience to hold the Morrison Government to account and develop a policy platform worthy of the support of Australians at the next election.
My team includes a blend of experienced former Government Ministers, as well as talented newcomers whose enthusiasm and fresh ideas will reinvigorate Labor over the next three years.
My Shadow Ministry includes members from all parts of the nation. It reflects society, with half men and half women including the Shadow Cabinet Secretary.
As I made clear in the days after the May 18 election, I made no deals with colleagues to secure the unanimous support of the Labor Party to become Leader.
I am confident my team will be more than a match for the Morrison Government’s frontbench.
The Shadow Ministry will meet for the first time on Tuesday in Brisbane.
In the days and weeks that follow that meeting, Shadow Ministers will disperse into communities across the nation to listen to Australians about why only one in three voters gave Labor their first preference at the election on May 18.
Labor’s May 18 election result was a wake-up call. The first step to success next time is honest discussion with the Australian people.

Shadow Cabinet


Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Leader of the Opposition

Hon Richard Marles MP
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister for Defence

Senator the Hon Penny Wong
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs

Senator the Hon Kristina Keneally
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Shadow Minister for Home Affairs
Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship

Hon Tony Burke MP
Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations
Shadow Minister for the Arts
Manager of Opposition Business in the House of Representatives

Hon Bill Shorten MP
Shadow Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Shadow Minister for Government Services

Hon Tanya Plibersek MP
Shadow Minister for Education and Training

Dr Jim Chalmers MP
Shadow Treasurer

Hon Mark Butler MP
Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy
Deputy Manager of Opposition Business in the House of Representatives

Hon Chris Bowen MP
Shadow Minister for Health

Hon Catherine King MP
Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development

Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP
Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Resources

Senator the Hon Don Farrell
Shadow Special Minister of State
Shadow Minister for Sport
Shadow Minister for Tourism
Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader of the Opposition

Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Constitutional Reform

Michelle Rowland MP
Shadow Minister for Communications

Senator Katy Gallagher
Shadow Minister for Finance
Shadow Minister for the Public Service
Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate

Hon Linda Burney MP
Shadow Minister for Families and Social Services
Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians

Hon Julie Collins MP
Shadow Minister for Ageing and Seniors
Shadow Minister for Women

Hon Brendan O’Connor MP
Shadow Minister for Employment and Industry
Shadow Minister for Science
Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business

Hon Jason Clare MP
Shadow Minister for Regional Services, Territories and Local Government
Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness

Hon Amanda Rishworth MP
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education
Shadow Minister for Youth

Terri Butler MP
Shadow Minister for the Environment and Water

Madeleine King MP
Shadow Minister for Trade


Outer Shadow Ministry

Stephen Jones MP
Shadow Assistant Treasurer
Shadow Minister for Financial Services

Hon Shayne Neumann MP
Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel

Clare O’Neil MP
Shadow Minister for Innovation, Technology and the Future of Work

Pat Conroy MP
Shadow Minister for International Development and the Pacific
Shadow Minister Assisting for Climate Change
Shadow Minister Assisting for Defence

Andrew Giles MP
Shadow Minister for Cities and Urban Infrastructure
Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs
Shadow Minister Assisting for Immigration and Citizenship

Matt Keogh MP
Shadow Minister for Defence Industry
Shadow Minister for Western Australian Resources
Shadow Minister Assisting for Small and Family Business

Senator Murray Watt
Shadow Minister for Northern Australia
Shadow Minister for Natural Disaster and Emergency Management


Assistant Ministers

Senator Jenny McAllister
Shadow Cabinet Secretary
Shadow Assistant Minister to the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate

Senator Carol Brown
Shadow Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Tourism
Shadow Assistant Minister for Tasmania

Senator Patrick Dodson
Shadow Assistant Minister for Reconciliation
Shadow Assistant Minister for Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians

Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Treasury
Shadow Assistant Minister for Charities

Hon Warren Snowdon MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Northern Australia
Shadow Assistant Minister for External Territories
Shadow Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians

Graham Perrett MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Education and Training

Emma McBride MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health
Shadow Assistant Minister for Carers

Senator Glenn Sterle
Shadow Assistant Minister for Road Safety

Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence

Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Financial Services
Shadow Assistant Minister for the Republic

Ged Kearney MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Skills
Shadow Assistant Minister for Aged Care

Josh Wilson MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for the Environment

Sen Kimberley Kitching
Shadow Assistant Minister for Government Accountability
Deputy Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate

Senator Louise Pratt
Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing

Tim Watts MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Communications
Shadow Assistant Minister for Cyber Security

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