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Strengthening Medicare

Getting healthcare should rely on your Medicare card, not your credit card. We’re strengthening Medicare to make that a reality.

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Making it easier and cheaper to see a doctor

When you’re sick, seeing a doctor shouldn’t be a struggle.

That’s why we’ll make the biggest boost to Medicare ever, so you’ll be able to see the GP for free.

Our massive investments in health are already helping 11 million pensioners, concession card holders and families get bulk billed. 

And we’ve opened 87 free Medicare Urgent Care Clinics across Australia. They open early and close late, so you can get the care you need, when you need it.


Cheaper medicine

You should be able to get the medicine you need, without worrying about the cost. 

That’s why we reduced the maximum amount you’ll pay to $31.60 and made sure that concession card holders pay no more than $7.70. And many Australians can now get twice the medication for the cost of a single prescription.

We’ve also added many new medicines to the PBS for conditions like breast, prostate and lung cancer, so you pay less at the pharmacy. Without subsidy, a course of treatment could cost more than $100,000 – now it will cost no more than $31.60 per script.


Women’s health

Too often, women’s health hasn’t been taken seriously. We’re changing that with an investment of more than half a billion dollars. 

We will make new contraceptive pills cheaper, fund more free GP appointments for long term contraceptives like IUDs, and boost support for women experiencing menopause.

We’ve already opened 22 new endometriosis and pelvic pain clinics to help women get treatment sooner. And now we’ll open 11 more.


Mental health

Stronger Medicare means better access to mental health services across Australia. 

We’re setting up a network of 61 free, walk-in adult Medicare Mental Health Centres across Australia. 

We have grown the headspace network to 174 services across the country, delivering support to young Australians.

And we’re establishing a new National Early Intervention Service, so people can access free advice and mental health support over the phone or online.



Every Australian deserves quality healthcare when they need it most. That’s why we’re boosting hospital funding by $1.7 billion – delivering more money for public hospitals in every state and territory. 

Our plan will help to cut waiting lists, reduce wait times and manage ramping.

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